One of my interests related to research inquiry is the application of relevant theories from consumer behavior social psychology to the study of the leisure and sport marketplace. In particular, I am interested in the involvement, specialization, and loyalty of sport spectators and leisure participants and have completed a variety of studies on these topics. My second research interest is related to adolescents’ leisure behaviors. I have focused on examining adolescents’ delinquency from leisure and managerial perspectives. I have recently published papers related to acculturation and volunteerism in leisure.
※Journal Articles
◾ Park, S. H. (1994). Segmenting target markets to increase participants’ loyalty to a selected recreation program. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 11, 99-107.
◾ Park, S. H. (1995). Participant involvement profiles in recreational sport activities: A conceptual specification. Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, 3, 83-91.
◾ Park, S. H., Byun, W. T., & Chang, K. H. (1995). Impact of worksite sport programs on employees’ organizational commitment. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 12, 77-86.
◾ Park, S. H. (1995). Determinants of volunteers' commitment to a leisure service organization. Journal of Physical Education, Sport, & Leisure Studies, 2, 99-118.
◾ Park, S. H. (1996). Marketing for recreational sport: The moderating role of involvement. Journal of Physical Education, Sport, & Leisure Studies, 3, 39-50.
◾ Park, S. H. (1996). The influence of cost information on consumers’ reference price for recreational sport program. Journal of Korean Society of Sport Management, 1, 85-96.
◾ Park, S. H. (1996). Relationships between involvement and attitudinal loyalty construct in adult fitness programs. Journal of Leisure Research, 28(4), 233-250.
◾ Park, S. H. (1997). Conceptualizing for recreational sport: Leisure and recreation perspectives. Journal of Physical Education, Sport, & Leisure Studies, 4, 17-40.
◾ Park, S. H. (1998). Involvement profiles as a psychological segmentation tool for recreational sport market. Journal of Korean Society of Sport Management, 3(2), 271-287.
◾ Park, S. H. (1998). Prevention and therapy of juvenile delinquency through recreational sport participation. Journal of Physical Education, Sport, & Leisure Studies, 5, 34-46.
◾ Park, S. H. (1999). Marketing strategies for aerobic program consumers: A practical approach to involvement profiles. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 38(1), 609-620.
◾ Park, S. H., & Yoo, B. Y. (1999). Determinants of physical leisure activities for male adults over the life-span. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 16, 155-168.
◾ Kim, Y. M., & Park, S. H. (2000). The effect of attitude toward Olympic games on purchase intention for official sponsor’s product. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 39(1), 701-715.
◾ Park, S. H. (2000). Propositions and research directions for developing and analyzing the risky sport framework. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 19, 105-118.
◾ Park, S. H., & Kim, Y. M. (2000). Conceptualizing and measuring the attitudinal loyalty constructs in recreational sport contexts. Journal of Sport Management, 14(3), 197-207.
◾ Park, S. H. (2001). A further exploration of the involvement profiles in selected recreational sport activities: Results from a study in Korea. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 10(2), 77-82.
◾ Park, S. H., & Oh, S. Y. (2001). Controlling excessive violence in sports: Societal sport marketing perspectives. Journal of Sport & Physical Education of China and Korea, 1(1), 69-76.
◾ Kim, O. J., Cho, T. K., Park, S. H., & Mun, Y. (2001). Establishing the department of recreation and leisure studies at the universities in Seoul. Journal of the National Academy of Sciences. 40, 31-89.
◾ Park, S. H., Yoon, M. Y., & Byun, W. T. (2002). Relationship between organizational commitment and shirking among employees in middle management positions in sport organizations. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 7(1), 97-110.
◾ Park, S. H., & Kim, K. (2002). Reducing and removing constraints to sport participation among Korean Juveniles. Journal of Sport & Physical Education of China and Korea, 8(2), 225-232.
◾ Park, S., H., & Park, S. I. (2003). Analyzing the differences of sport consumers’ perception on sponsorship and ambush marketing based on the socio-demographic variables and involvement. Korean Journal of Sport Science, 14(2), 51-65.
◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Organizational commitment of instructors and managers in community based sport centers in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, 1 (1), 53-60.
◾ Park, S. H. (2003). The relationships between perceived service problems and service quality, customer satisfaction, and recommendation within a ski resort context. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 15(2), 40-50.
◾ Park, S. H., Yoon, M. Y., & Lee, Y. H. (2003). Application of specialization theory in market segmentation for a particular swimming class. The Journal of Korean Society of Leisure & Recreation Education, 4(1), 122-126.
◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Spectators’ differences in involvement, loyalty, intention to repurchasing, and intention to recommendation according to socio-demographic characteristics at professional baseball games. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 8(2), 375-393.
◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Customers’ differences in loyalty, satisfaction, intention to repurchasing, and intention to recommendation based upon socio-demographic characteristics in golf driving ranges. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(1), 1-14.
◾ Cho, Y. H., Cho, H.. B., Choi, J. P., Park, S. H., & Lee, J. H. (2004). Developing sport management curricular standards for undergraduate level in Korea. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(1), 201-219.
◾ Park, S. H., Park, S. I., Choi, J. H., & Sagas, M. (2004). The impact of perceived service quality on behavioral intentions for adult swimming participants of commercial sport centers. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(2), 153-166.
◾ Park, S. H., Buck, D., & Song, W. I. (2004). Assessing customers' perceptions of service quality in a bowling alley: Service quality attributes and choice behavior. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 26, 69-80.
◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Constraints to recreational sport participation for adolescents exposed to internet-related delinquency: Developing marketing strategies for increasing sport participation. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 16(1), 41-54.
◾ Lee, S. C., & Park, S. H. (2004). The consequences of service problems in golf driving ranges in Korea: A gap analysis of service quality. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 2(1), 35-42.
◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Factors affecting spectator attendance at professional baseball games in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 2(1), 43-48.
◾ Park, S. H., & Lee, S. C. (2004). The causal relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction, repurchasing intention, and business performance in commercial sport centers. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 43(3), 485-493.
◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Customers’ differences in loyalty, satisfaction, intention to repurchasing, and intention to recommendation based upon socio-demographic characteristics in golf driving ranges. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(1), 1-14.
◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Marketing implications derived from the differences of affective loyalty between professional football and professional spectators. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 9(3), 123-137.
◾ Hur, J., & Park, S. H. (2004). Different effects of the engagement in spectator sport and participant sport on leisure satisfaction among sport consumers. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 27, 43-52.
◾ Park, S. H., & Yeo, I. S. (2005). Different degree and range of specialization across recreational sport activities: An issue for sport marketing. International Journal of Sport Management, 6, 141-153.
◾ Han, H. W., Kim, Y. J., Kim, Y. S., & Park, S. H. (2005). Managing constraints on recreational sport participation for young adolescents: Leisure, gender, and life satisfaction. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 3(1), 9-15.
◾ Youn, S. K., & Park, S. H. (2005). The relationship between participation motives and life satisfaction for female participants in golf driving ranges. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 28, 17-29.
◾ Park, S. H. (2005). Prevention and play therapy for children’s problematic behaviors: Integrated approach. The Journal of Korean Society of Leisure & Recreation, 6(1), 92-102.
◾ Park, S. H., & Ji, H. J. (2005). Dance sport participants' involvement profiles at public recreational sport facilities. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 29, 375-386.
◾ Park, S. H., & Ji, H. J., & Jung, J. H. (2005). The effect of title sponsorship activity of the K-league on brand awareness, brand preference, and brand image. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 10(4), 97-107.
◾ Park, S. H., & Oh, S. S. (2006). Examining the relationship between perceptions of constraint on recreational sport participation and gender among college students. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 30, 105-113.
◾ Lee, S. C., & Park, S. H. (2006). An assessment of the relationship between service quality and behavioral intentions in fitness centers in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 4(2), 57-63.
◾ Choi, J. H., Sosa, J., Sagas, M., & Park, S. H. (2006). The impact of leadership on organizational culture in NCAA division I and II institutions. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 2(2), 141-161.
◾ Park, S. H. (2006). Improving organizational effectiveness through the combination of transformational and situational leadership in leisure and sport organizations in Korea. The Journal of Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation, 7(2), 29-37.
◾ Park, S. H., Kim, Y. M., & Jun, H. M. (2007). The influence of involvement profiles of professional basketball fans on team identification, corporate identification, and corporate image. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 12(1), 57-70.
◾ Park, S. H. (2007). The personal meaning of professional basketball spectatorship: Service quality, involvement, and behavioral intentions. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 5(1), 88-94.
◾ Park, S. H. (2007). The current status and future directions of leisure industry in Korea. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 8(1), 28-59.
◾ Choi, J. H., Sagas, M., Park, S. H., & Cunningham, G. B. (2007). The Transformational leadership in collegiate coaching: The effects of transformational leadership on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Sport Management, 8, 429-446.
◾ Park, S. H. (2007). The impact of involvement profiles upon satisfaction and intention to repeat patronage among users at 4 riverside parks in Seoul. Seoul Studies, 8(4), 175-188.
◾ Choi, J. H., & Park, S. H. (2007). The comparison of research trend between Journal of Sport Management and Korean Journal of Sport Management. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 5(2), 10-15.
◾ Park, S. I., Park, S. H., & Choi, J. H. (2007). Total quality management for spectators at professional baseball games in Korea: The impact of service quality on behavioral intentions. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education and Sport, 5(2), 78-82.
◾ Park, S. H. (2007). Factors that influence spectators' purchasing behaviors and behavioral intentions for professional basketball games in Korea. International Journal of Human Movement Science, 1(2), 51-60.
◾ Park, S. H. (2008). Analyzing the relationship among leisure satisfaction, commitment, and life satisfaction for tennis participants. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 32(2), 13-20.
◾ Han, A. R., & Park, S. H. (2008). The impact of involvement and organizational identification on satisfaction and repurchasing intention for participants of leisure and sport program. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 47(3), 409-422.
◾ Seol, S. Y., & Park, S. H. (2008). Psychometric properties of loyalty scale for recreational sport program in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 6(2), 103-108.
◾ Kim, Y., Hultsman, J., & Park, S. (2009). Do youth, program staff, and administrators differ in their perceptions of desired recreation program outcomes? International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 7(1), 32-40.
◾ Park, S. H. (2009). The causal relationships among involvement, satisfaction, and organizational commitment for volunteers in recreational sport programs. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 33(3), 193-203.
◾ Oh, S., Park, S., & Shin, K. (2009). The reliability and validity of the leisure constraints scales in social activities among Korean employed adults. ICHPER‧SD Asia Journal of Research, 1(2), 53-58.
◾ Park, S. H. (2009). Constraints to Korean adolescents' leisure: The value of recreational sport activities. Pan-Asian Journal of Sports & Physical Education, 1(1), 46-52.
◾ Park, S. H., Kim, Y. K., Park, S. H., & In, S. W. (2009). Exploring the relationships between consumers’ behaviors and media consumption: The process of curiosity in sport spectatorship. Korean Journal of Consumer and Advertising Psychology, 10(3), 437-459.
◾ Park, S. H., Lee, Y. J., Seo, H. J., Choi, J. H. (2010). The impact of involvement on leisure satisfaction for volunteers: A multi-dimensional approach. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 34(2), 135-144.
◾ Park, J. H., & Park, S. H. (2010). Factors affecting instructors’ commitment to recreational sport organizations in Korea. International Journal of Asian Society for Physical Education, Sport and Dance, 8(1), 56-64.
◾ Park, S. H. (2010). Increasing volunteers’ organizational commitment in leisure service organizations. Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 11(2), 11-17.
◾ Park, S. H. (2010). The influence of respect from the organization and affective organizational commitment among volunteers for leisure service. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 34(3), 141-148.
◾ Park, S. H., Park, J. G., & Rhee, S. L. (2011). The influence of perceived respect from the leisure service organization and affective loyalty on intention to continue participation among participants for leisure service. Journal of Leisure & Recreation Studies, 35(1), 67-75.
◾ Park, J. G., Park, S. H., Lim, R. H. (2011). Spectatorship factors of the elderly and their revisit intentions according to their individual characteristics in professional sports events. Journal of Korean Physical Education Association for Women, 25(2), 117-128.
◾ Park, S. H. (2011). The causal relationships among involvement, overall satisfaction, and attitudinal loyalty among tennis club members. Journal of Leisure Studies, 9(1), 59-74.
◾ Park, S. H. (2011). Developing strategies to rescue delinquent adolescents through sport programs. Studies on Civil Culture, 11, 1-16.
◾ Park, S. H. (2012). Antecedents of adolescents' participation in recreational sport program. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 47, 653-662.
◾ Park, S. H., & Jun, S. H. (2012). Adolescents’ involvement in internet games: From therapeutic recreation perspectives. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 49, 535-543.
◾ Seo, H. J., Park, S. H., Han, A. R., & Lee, Y. J. (2012). The influence of emotional expressivity in leisure activities on leisure satisfaction and flow for Korean adolescents. The Korean Journal of Physical Education, 51(5), 591-602.
◾ Park, S. H. (2012). The impact of leisure constraints on sport participation and life satisfaction for physically inactive adolescents. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 50, 539-547.
◾ Kang, G. H., & Park, S. H. (2012). The relationship among service qualities, customer satisfaction, customer trust, customer loyalty, and repurchasing intention of a sport center. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 50, 583-595.
◾ Park, S. H., & Kim, M. (2013). Development of a hierarchical model of sport volunteers’ organizational commitment. European Sport Management Quarterly, 13, 94-109.
◾ Han, K. S., Park, S. H., & Park, H. S. (2013). The impact of program loyalty on repurchasing intention and life satisfaction for sing-along program participants. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 52, 339-347.
◾ Park, S. H. (2013). The relationships between program satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty in recreational sport programs. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 52, 461-470.
◾ Han, A. R., Park, S. H., & Seo, H. J. (2013). The causal relationships among emotional expressivity, leisure satisfaction, affective loyalty, and repurchasing intention for participants in fitness programs. Journal of Leisure and Recreation Studies, 37(1), 47-62.
◾ Kim, M. J., & Park, S. H. (2013). The influence of loyalty on overall satisfaction, repurchasing intention, and life satisfaction for fitness program participants. . Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 53, 443-451.
◾ Park, S. H., & Kim, M. S. (2013). The relationship between leisure satisfaction and life satisfaction among the Bookhansan trailer users. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 54, 735-741.
◾ Park, S. H., & Han, K. S. (2014). The influence of involvement on satisfaction and commitment in volunteerism among sport event volunteers. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 55, 351-360.
◾ Jun, S. H., & Park, S. H. (2014). The causal relationships among involvement, overall satisfaction, and affective loyalty among Seoul forest visitors. Seoul Studies, 8(4), 175-188.
◾ Kim, J. Heo, J., & Park, S. (2014). The exploration of acculturation and health
among immigrants from Non-Eastern cultures. Qualitative Health Research
24, 1138–1149.
◾ Park, S. H., & Song, J. K. (2014). The causal relationships among involvement, satisfaction, affective loyalty, switching cost, among public sport center users. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 57, 351-362.
◾ Song, J. K., Kim, M. R., Kim, S. J., & Park, S. H. (2014). Role of self-efficacy in adopting mobile sports application: From ELM perspectives. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 19(5), 121-137.
◾ Park, S. H. (2014). The contribution of participation in different types of leisure activities to the adolescents' involvement and life satisfaction. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 58, 623~631.
◾ Park, S. H., & Han, K. S. (2014). The influence of involvement on satisfaction and commitment in volunteerism among sport event volunteers. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 55, 351-360.
◾ Jun, S. H., & Park, S. H. (2014). The causal relationships among involvement, overall satisfaction, and affective loyalty among Seoul forest visitors. Seoul Studies, 8(4), 175-188.
◾ Kim, J. Heo, J., & Park, S. (2014). The exploration of acculturation and health
among immigrants from Non-Eastern cultures. Qualitative Health Research
24, 1138–1149.
◾ Park, S. H., & Song, J. K. (2014). The causal relationships among involvement, satisfaction, affective loyalty, switching cost, among public sport center users. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 57, 351-362.
◾ Song, J. K., Kim, M. R., Kim, S. J., & Park, S. H. (2014). Role of self-efficacy in adopting mobile sports application: From ELM perspectives. Korean Journal of Sport Management, 19(5), 121-137.
◾ Park, S. H. (2014). The contribution of participation in different types of leisure activities to the adolescents' involvement and life satisfaction. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 58, 623~631.
◾ Park, S. H. (2015). Disaster derived from confusion in terms and conceptualization in leisure studies: Focused on flow and commitment. Journal of Sport & Leisure Studies, 59, 271-282.
◾ Kim, J., Park, S., Malonebeach, E.E., & Heo, J., (2015). Migrating to the East: A qualitative investigation of acculturation and leisure activities. Leisure Studies, 1-17.
◾ Analysis of leisure activities of people with disabilities before and after COVID-19 Pandemic., The Korean Journal of Sport, vol.22 No.2 pp.61~71, 2024박세혁
◾ Exploring the Relationships among Covid-19 Stress, Leisure Constraints, and Happiness for Adults During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Korea, American Journal of Health Behavior, vol.47 No.3 pp.558~566, 2023박세혁
◾ The relationships among positive and negative emotions, stress, and happiness among people with disabilities during a pandemic., Journal of Leisure Studies, vol.21 No.3 pp.141~157, 2023박세혁
◾ 코로나19 시기에 당뇨가 있는 성인의 정신건강과 여가활동유형의 관계분석, American Journal of Health Behavior, vol.47 No.2 pp.228~236, 2023박세혁
◾ 풋살구장 이용자들이 인지하는 서비스 품질이 몰입경험, 만족도, 재구매의도 및 구전의도에 미치는 영향, Journal of Sport and Leisure Studies, No.92 pp.99~110, 2023박세혁
◾ 전통문화인식, 문화유산보존과 한국무용 충성도의 인과관계 분석, The Korean Journal of Physical Education, vol.62 No.2 pp.293~304, 2023박세혁
◾ Physical Activity and Health of Koreans with Spinal Cord Injury during COVID-19, American Journal of Health Behavior, vol.47 No.1 pp.21~29, 2023박세혁
◾ A qualitative investigation of leisure benefits for social and psychological health among international volleyball players living in South Korea, International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, vol.17 No.1, 2022박세혁
◾ Leisure activities, life satisfaction, and happiness among people with spinal cord injury during the COVID-19 pandemic, LEISURE STUDIES, 2022박세혁
◾ Identifying the Relationship between Leisure Walking and Prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health,, vol.19 No.13, 2022박세혁
◾ 코로나 스트레스와 여가제약 그리고 행복감의 구조적관계, Journal of The Korea Convergence Society, vol.13 No.5 pp.347~356, 2022박세혁
◾ Park, S. H. (1997). The motivations for motorcycle gangs’ participation in running:
Implications for practitioners and researchers. Proceedings of the 37th Anniversary
Seminar (pp. 32-43). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2000). The positive and negative sides of leisure: Revitalizing juveniles’
leisure. Proceedings of the 8th Korean Society of Leisure and Recreation Seminar (pp.
11-18). Incheon, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2000). The motives of participation in adventure recreation and research
directions. Proceedings of the 17th National Recreation Congress (pp. 27-40). Seoul,
◾ Park, S. H. (2001). Maximizing sport customers' satisfaction for competitive advantages. Proceedings of International Olympic Fair Seoul 2001 ASPES Sport Symposium (pp. 96-106). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2002). Revitalizing family leisure in relation to the activation of 5-days working system. Proceedings of 1st Leisure and Culture Forum (pp. 15-22). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Determinants of sport consumers’ loyalty: Marketing implications. Proceedings of International Sports Marketing Conference (pp. 1-18). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Identity of Sport Marketing. Proceedings of 10th Annual Conference (pp. 1-7). Busan, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2003). Comparison of organizational commitment of instructors and managers in community based sport centers. Proceedings of the 2003 International Sport Management Congress (pp. 1-20). Daegu, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Propositions for effective teaching in leisure and recreation classes. Proceedings of 1st Leisure and Recreation Pedagogy Workshop (pp.5-21). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2004). Socio-psychological aspects of leisure. Proceedings of 2nd Leisure and Recreation Pedagogy Workshop (pp.43-55). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2005). Saving aerobic program through marketing. Proceedings of the 1st Aerobics Leader Training Workshop (pp. 21-30). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2005). Analyzing KBL marketing program. Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary of Korean Basketball League Symposium (pp. 59-69). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2006). Developing sport marketing program in professional sport. Organized by Korea Institute of Sport Science. Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2006). Marketing for Taekondo. Proceedings of the 4th Sport Counselor Training program. Seoul, Korea.
Park, S. H. (2007). Delivering happiness for the public through sport. Organized by Gooro-County. Seoul, Korea
◾ Park, S. H. (2007). Seoul city marketing through mega sport events. Organized by Seoul City. Seoul, Korea
◾ Park, S. H. (2007). The current situation of leisure and sport industry. Organized by Seoul Women’s University. Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2008, May and June). Early childhood physical education through play. Organized by Hanoi Department of Education and Training. Hanoi, Vietnam.
◾ Park, S. H. (2008. June). Activating leisure market in an aging society. Organized by Kangwon Development Research Institute. Chooncheon, Kangwon-Do.
◾ Park, S. H. (2009). Segmenting recreational sport market: Utilizing recreation specialization theory. Proceedings of the BK21 International Seminar (pp. 71-86). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2009, April). Overview of Sport Industry in Korea: The Role of Sport Marketing. Organized by University of Florida (in the Sport Management Distinguished Speaker). Florida, the United States.
◾ Park, S. H. (2010, May). Recreation for the elderly. Organized by Korea Council of Sport for All.
◾ Park, S. H. (2010, July). Sport tourists’ behavior and attitude. Organized by Mokpo University.
◾ Park, S. H. (2010, August). Sport tourism marketing. Organized by Dankook University.
◾ Park, S. H. (2010, September). Marketing approach for the National Special Olympics. Organized by Korea Sports Association for the Disabled.
◾ Park. S. H. (2010, December). Leisure trend and happiness in the digital age. Organized by Kyunggi University.
◾ Park. S. H. (2010, December). Becoming a happy recreation educator in the in the digital age. Organized by Leisure & Recreation Association in Korea.
◾ Park. S. H. (2011, February). Effective leadership in recreation program. Organized by National Youth Center of Korea.
◾ Park. S. H. (2011, June). Outdoor recreation program. Organized by Leisure & Recreation Kangwon-Do Association.
◾ Park. S. H. (2012, February). Leadership in game program. Organized by National Youth Center of Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2012, May). Analyzing Core Factors of Sport Marketing: From promotion perspectives. Organized by KSPO.
◾ Park. S. H. (2012, July). Motivating participants in recreational sport program. Organized by Korea Council of Sport For All.
◾ Park, S. H. (2012,September). Analyzing Core Factors of Sport Marketing: From pricing perspectives. Organized by KSPO.
◾ Park, S. H. (2012, October). Designing happiness with my own style. Organized by Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.
◾ Park. S. H. (2012, October). You can be happy no matter what. Organized by Sejong University CEO Continuing Education.
◾ Park. S. H. (2012, October). Marketing strategies for revitalizing leisure industry. Organized by Society for Leisure and Culture Studies & Korea Culture and Tourism Institute.
◾ Park, S. H. (2012, October). Sport tourism marketing. Organized by Dankook University.
◾ Park, S. H. (2013, April). Analyzing Core Factors of Sport Marketing: From 4P’s perspectives. Organized by KSPO.
◾ Park, S. H. (2013, September). Classroom with fun and healing. Yonsei University Creative Education Center.
◾ Park, S. H., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Jeon, Y., & Kim, S. (2015). The relationships between involvement and organizational commitment in sport volunteerism. Paper presented at the 11th Asian Association of Sports Management Conference. Proceedings of the AASM 2015 Conference (p. 26). LANGKAWI , MALAYSIA.
◾ Kim, J., Kim, M., & Park, S. H. (2016). Serious leisure and the sport club experience of Korean immigrants in the United States. Proceedings for KAHTEA 2016 Conference (p.15). Las Vegas. USA.
◾ Park, S. H. (2016). The influence of serious leisure on happiness for the elderly. Paper presented at the 2016 Fall Seminar of the Korean Society of Aging and Physical Activity (pp.3-19). Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2016). Finding the themes and methods in leisure and sport studies. Paper presented at the 2016 Fall Seminar of the Korean Society of Leisure and Sport Studies (pp.3-6). Soonchunhyang University, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H., Han, S. A., & Park, S. Y. (2016). The relationship between flow and happiness for volunteers of leisure service. Proceedings for the 28th International Sport Science Congress (p. 168). Hanyang University Erica, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2016). Leisure in the future. Paper presented at the 56th National Recreation Festival International Conference (pp. 91-97). Olympic Park Convention Center, Korea.
◾ Kim, Y. S., Park, S. H., & Park, E. A. (2016). Coping strategies to manage excessive academic stress among Korean adolescents: From leisure perspectives. Paper presented at the International Academic Conference on Social Sciences. Tokyo, Japan.
◾ Park, S. H., Kim, M., Kim, Y., Jeon, Y., & Kim, S. (2015). The relationships between involvement and organizational commitment in sport volunteerism. Paper presented at the 11th Asian Association of Sports Management Conference. Proceedings of the AASM 2015 Conference (p.26). Langkawi, Malaysia.
◾ Park, S. H., Kim, S., Seo, H., Chin, S., Lee, Y., & Han, A. (2015). Past, present, and future of sport management in Korea: Challenges for the future. Paper presented at the 20th KSSM Anniversary International Sport Management Conference. Proceedings of the KSSM 2015 Conference (pp. 72-81). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Kim, J., Kim, M., & Park, S. H. (2016). Serious leisure and the sport club experience of Korean immigrants in the United States. Proceedings for KAHTEA 2016 Conference (p.15). Las Vegas. USA.
◾ 박세혁(2016). 노인의 진지한 여가가 행복에 미치는 영향. 2016년도 춘계학술세미나 (pp. 3-19). 노인체육학회주최. 서울과학기술대학교.
◾ 박세혁(2016). 사회체육 연구주제와 방법의 시대적 방향 모색. 한국사회체육학회 추계 학술발표(pp. 3-6). (2016. 11월 25일). 한국사회체육학회주최. 순천향대학교.
◾ Park, S. H., Han, S. A., & Park, S. Y. (2016). The relationship between flow and happiness for volunteers of leisure service. Proceedings for the 28th International Sport Science Congress (p. 168). Hanyang University Erica, Korea.
◾ 박세혁(2016). 미래의 여가: 스포츠산업의 미래. 제33회 창립 56주년 전국레크리에이션대회 국제학술세미나 (pp. 91-97). 한국여가레크리에이션협회주최. 올림픽공원 컨벤션센터.
◾ Kim, Y. S., Park, S. H., & Park, E. A. (2016). Coping strategies to manage excessive academic stress among Korean adolescents: From leisure perspectives. Paper presented at the International Academic Conference on Social Sciences (pp. - ). Tokyo, Japan.
◾ Kim, J., Kim, M., Yang. H., Park, S. H., & Han, A. (2017). Leisure, social support, health, and life satisfaction among individuals with physical disability. Proceedings of 2017 National Congress for Recreation & Park (p. ). New Orleands, USA.
◾ Park, S. H. (2017). Relationships among flow, happiness, and intention to continue participation for tennis club participants. Proceedings of the 25th TAFISA World Congress (p. 49). Seoul, Korea.
◾ Park, S. H. (2018). Gigantic Growth of Sport Management in Korea: Challenges for the Future. Paper presented as a keynote speaker at the 2018 KSSM Anniversary International Sport Management Conference. Halifax, Canada.
◾ Park, S. H., Seo, H., & Lee, Y. (2018). Identifying the impact of specialization and involvement on commitment to a particular badminton club. Proceedings for the 30th International Sport Science Congress (p. 260). Wonkwang University, Korea.
◾ 기대위, 박세혁, 서희정 (2019). 선수보증광고가 수영선수의 스포츠용품에 대한 태도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향. 2019 한국사회체육학회 춘계학술대회 포스터 발표 (2019. 5월 25일). 한국사회체육학회주최. 연세대학교.
◾ 이윤정,박세혁, 서희정(2019). 2018 멜론뮤직어워드의 방탄소년단 아이돌(IDOL) 공연을 통한 청소년들의 한국무용이미지와 문화유산보존의 관계. 2019 한국사회체육학회 추계학술대회 포스터 발표 (2019. 11월 22일). 한국사회체육학회주최. 서울과학기술대학교.
◾ 박세혁, 서희정, 조예진, Analyzing sport spectators through OTT, 제 62회 한국체육학회 학술대회, 인제대학교, 2024박세혁
◾ 박세혁, 이윤정, 최예리, Aanlyzing leisure activities and depression for the disabled during Covid-19, 지방체육의 현황과 미래, 인제대학교, 2024박세혁
◾ Se-Hyuk Park, Junhyoung Kim, Hee-Joung Seo, The experience of stress-related growth associated with COVID-19 among Korean adults with spinal cord injury, Proceedings in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic games, 용인대학교, 2023박세혁
◾ Wanjiru, I. R.,& 박세혁, Exploring the health benefits of leisure participation in the process of acculturation for African international students in South Korea., 2023 Spring On-line Conference of Korea Society for Wellness, 한국웰니스학회주최. 한국웰니스학회 Youtube 채널., 2023박세혁
◾ Park, S. H., Lee, Y. J., Han, A. R., & Seo, H. J., Analyzing the causal relationships among the Korean traditional culture awareness, cultural heritage preservation, and the intangible cultural asset * ., Proceedings of the 34th International Sport Science Congress in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, 경희대학교, 2022박세혁
◾ Cho, J. R., Mo, J. H., & Park, S. H. , Developing marketing strategies to increase futsal users’ satisfaction in service quality, Proceedings of the 34th International Sport Science Congress in Commemoration for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, Kyounghee University, 2022박세혁