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Major Required Courses 9570001 Research for the Master's DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 9570002 Research for the Master's Degree Ⅱ 3
Major Electives 9570003 Statistics in Physical Education and exercise 3
Major Electives 9570004 Advanced sport & Exercise psychology 3
Major Electives 9570008 Studies in Biomechanics 3
Major Electives 9570009 Advanced Studies in Biomechanics 3
Major Electives 9570010 Motion Analysis 3
Major Electives 9570015 Sport Management 3
Major Electives 9570017 Indepth research in health behavior 3
Major Electives 9570018 Studies in Health Psychology 3
Major Electives 9570020 Human Anatomy of Arteries and Nerves 3
Major Electives 9570021 Sports Rehabilitation 3
Major Electives 9570022 Exercise Physiology 3
Major Electives 9570023 Human Physiology 3
Major Electives 9570024 Exercise Nutrition 3
Major Electives 9570025 Research in Sociology of Sport 3
Major Electives 9570026 Research in Social Psychology of Leisure 3
Major Electives 9570027 Research in Therapeutic Recreation 3
Major Electives 9570028 Epidemiology of Sports Injuries 3
Major Electives 9570029 Research in Leisure Studies 3
Department of Sports Sciences, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6367~8
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